Hinduism References in Saint Seiya

While the primary influences of the series come from Greek mythology and Western astrology, there are also elements in “Saint Seiya” that draw from Hindu mythology and Indian culture.

These influences are especially prominent in the names and concepts associated with certain characters and aspects of the series. There are many Alchemy references in the show too.

1. Shaka of Virgo

Shaka, a distinguished Gold Saint within the series, has a profound affiliation with the Virgo constellation. His martial skills and contemplative routines intricately draw from the tenets of Hinduism.

Central to his combat repertoire is the renowned technique “Tenbu Horin,” alternatively labeled as “Tenkūhaō Ken.” This maneuver bears a profound resonance with Hindu divine figures.

Delving deeper, “Tenbu Horin” encompasses the creation of an immensely potent energy vortex, an embodiment of his mastery.

The terminology itself holds roots in Hindu mythology, explicitly referencing the revered wind deities “Vayu-Vayavya.” The convergence of these elements underscores the meticulous fusion of Hindu-inspired themes into Shaka’s character and his remarkable abilities. There are many buddhist references in Sait Seiya too!

2. Aiolia and Kanon (Shiva and Indra)

In the expansive realm of “Saint Seiya,” the infusion of Hindu influences extends beyond Shaka’s characterization.

The Gold Saints Aiolia (Leo) and Kanon (Gemini) stand as vivid examples. Their formidable attacks bear profound semblances to Hindu deities, adding layers of cultural depth to the series.

Aiolia’s awe-inducing technique, “Lightning Plasma,” seemingly nods to the Hindu god Indra. Indra is celebrated as the deity of thunder and lightning in Hindu mythology, commanding the very forces that Aiolia wields.

This connection encapsulates not only the elemental ferocity of Aiolia’s attack but also the subtle homage to a divine figure revered in Hindu tradition.

Kanon, the Gemini Gold Saint, contributes to this interweaving of cultures with his signature move, “Galaxian Explosion.”

Drawing from the cosmic dance of Shiva, known as the “Tandava,” the name of the technique alludes to the dynamic interplay between creation and destruction that the deity symbolizes.

In Hindu belief, Shiva’s Tandava embodies the universe’s cyclical nature, harmonizing birth and dissolution. Kanon’s technique encapsulates this essence, infusing his attacks with the cosmic balance that Shiva personifies. Check out the christian references in Saint Seiya!

3. Durga

Within the nuanced narrative landscape of the “Saint Seiya” universe, a captivating thread emerges in the spin-off series “Saint Seiya: Episode G.”

This subseries introduces a character named Durga. The choice of this name resonates deeply with the annals of Hindu mythology.

“Durga,” a name that exudes power and resonance, is intricately interwoven with the Hindu goddess Durga. Revered as a fierce and formidable deity, the goddess Durga embodies attributes of protection, valor, and unwavering courage.

Her presence is often invoked to combat malevolent forces and restore cosmic equilibrium. By echoing this divine archetype, the character “Durga” within “Saint Seiya: Episode G” encapsulates similar themes of strength and protective prowess. Check the nord mythology references in Saint Seiya.

4. Themes of Reincarnation

In the intricate narrative realm of “Saint Seiya,” the undercurrent of reincarnation flows, subtly echoing the profound beliefs held in Hindu and other Eastern religions.

This concept, foundational to the cycle of life and death, is interwoven into the series’ fabric, offering a unique layer of depth to the characters’ journeys.

Reincarnation, an essential tenet of Hinduism and various Eastern philosophies, posits that the soul undergoes a continuous cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. Read about the impact of Greek mythology in Saint Seiya.

This perpetual cycle is driven by karma, the accumulation of one’s actions in previous lives. “Saint Seiya” deftly integrates this notion, portraying characters as being reborn in different eras, each life influenced by past deeds.

The recurrent theme of characters experiencing multiple lives in distinct time periods resonates with the intricate tapestry of reincarnation. Tenma, Alone and many other characters are recurring names.

5. Krishna

Krishna, named after the 8th incarnation of Vishnu in Hinduism, is a powerful enemy in the Poseidon Saga in Saint Seiya. As a deity associated with time and cosmic balance, Krishna reflects the rich mythological traditions of Hinduism.

His dark complexion, blue eyes, and long white hair align with Hindu iconography. The narrative intertwines elements of Greek mythology, introducing Krishna as the Marina General of Chrysaor, a figure reminiscent of the Greek giant Chrysaor, son of Poseidon and Medusa.

Krishna’s characterization in the story emphasizes his strong belief in divine justice and the necessity of sacrificing the innocent to purify the Earth.

This perspective draws from Hindu concepts of cosmic balance and the cyclical nature of existence. Krishna’s use of the Golden Lance, his encounter with Shiryu, and the subsequent battle showcase elements inspired by Hindu philosophy and mythology, such as Kundalini, the cosmic energy within him.

Vítor Costa

Brazilian otaku addicted to classic anime. PhD in Polymer Science and Technology.

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