What is Saint Seiya Based on? A Complete Analysis

Delve into the captivating origins that have sculpted the iconic anime, “Saint Seiya.”Discover the intricate tapestry that weaves together this beloved saga.

“Saint Seiya” draws from diverse inspirations. Martial Arts infuses intense combat; Kinnikuman contributes to heroic wrestling elements. Tokusatsu adds dramatic visuals. Greek mythology shapes characters and lore. Astrology guides the narrative with zodiac themes. This eclectic mix creates the unique world of “Saint Seiya.”

 This in-depth analysis unravels the diverse influences that form the backbone of the series, from martial arts and Greek mythology to astrology and beyond. 

What Inspired Saint Seiya?

Here are the 5 main sources of inspirations from the classic anime Saint Seiya.

  1. Martial Arts: A disciplined physical practice combining techniques for combat and self-defense. It emphasizes skill, strategy, and mental focus, influencing “Saint Seiya’s” dynamic battles and character development.
  2. Tokusatsu: A Japanese genre known for its special effects-driven storytelling, inspiring the dramatic visuals, transformations, and battles seen in “Saint Seiya.”
  3. Greek Mythology: Ancient Greek legends of gods, heroes, and monsters shape “Saint Seiya’s” characters, their attributes, and quests, providing a rich mythological backdrop for the series’ narrative.
  4. Astrology: The study of celestial bodies’ influence on human lives informs “Saint Seiya’s” core concept of Bronze Saints embodying zodiac signs, their powers, personalities, and interconnected destinies.
  5. Kinnikuman: A manga featuring heroic wrestling battles, contributing vibrant characters and the concept of friendly rivalries to “Saint Seiya’s” character dynamics and intense showdowns.

All of these aspects helped to make Saint Seiya a very popular anime throughout the world. 

1. Martial Arts Influences in Saint Seiya

The resonance of martial arts within “Saint Seiya” is a cornerstone of its riveting narrative and dynamic battles.

Rooted in the philosophy of disciplined physical training and strategic combat techniques, martial arts provide a palpable authenticity to the series. The protagonists, known as the Bronze Saints, embody the essence of martial prowess, each drawing inspiration from distinct martial disciplines.

Their relentless training, tactical thinking, and unwavering determination mirror the dedication of real-life martial artists.

Martial arts’ influence is most evident in the intricately choreographed battles that punctuate the storyline.

The graceful yet powerful movements of the characters showcase the fluidity of martial arts techniques, elevating fight sequences to a mesmerizing visual spectacle.

Beyond physicality, martial arts also imbue the characters with traits like honor, perseverance, and self-discovery, adding depth to their development.

Incorporating martial arts into “Saint Seiya” intertwines the realm of the supernatural with human potential, creating a captivating fusion that captivates audiences and amplifies the series’ enduring appeal.

2. Kinnikuman Influences in Saint Seiya

The legacy of “Kinnikuman” reverberates within the DNA of “Saint Seiya,” infusing the series with a heroic wrestling spirit.

The concept of larger-than-life characters engaged in epic wrestling battles finds a parallel in the intense combat of the Bronze Saints. Just as “Kinnikuman” champions forged alliances and rivalries, “Saint Seiya” thrives on the intricate relationships among its characters.

The influence extends to the vibrantly diverse cast, where each character embodies unique strengths and personalities, echoing the camaraderie and rivalry-driven dynamics of “Kinnikuman.”

The idea of underdog heroes rising to the occasion resonates strongly, as the Bronze Saints confront formidable adversaries against insurmountable odds.

“Saint Seiya” weaves “Kinnikuman’s” essence into its narrative fabric, creating a harmonious blend of wrestling heroics and mythological grandeur.

Both series share a devotion to character-driven storytelling, celebrating courage, friendship, and the indomitable human spirit amid fantastical realms of battle. Check some anime recommendations for Saint Seiya fans.

3. Tokusatsu Influences in Saint Seiya

The influence of Tokusatsu within “Saint Seiya” imparts a mesmerizing visual drama that heightens the series’ fantastical elements

Rooted in Japanese special effects-driven storytelling, Tokusatsu’s signature flair for transforming mundane actions into grand spectacles translates seamlessly into the world of the Bronze Saints. The dramatic transformations of the characters, their awe-inspiring armor, and the cosmic battles all draw from Tokusatsu’s aesthetics.

The intense energy surges, elemental displays, and dynamic camera angles are reminiscent of Tokusatsu’s cinematic approach to storytelling. To know more about mecha, click here.

Tokusatsu’s imprint is also evident in “Saint Seiya’s” thematic focus on heroism, sacrifice, and the clash between good and evil. These elements resonate with Tokusatsu’s core themes of heroes fighting against overwhelming odds to protect the world.

Ultimately, the infusion of Tokusatsu enhances “Saint Seiya’s” storytelling, turning its battles and character journeys into visually captivating sagas that ignite the imagination and emotions of audiences worldwide.

4. Greek Mythology Influences in Saint Seiya

By weaving Greek mythology into its fabric, “Saint Seiya” crafts a unique narrative that simultaneously pays homage to ancient legends and creates a mythos all its own.

“Saint Seiya” draws deeply from the wellspring of Greek mythology, intertwining ancient legends with a modern narrative. The gods, heroes, and monsters of Greek lore provide a rich tapestry that shapes the series’ characters, quests, and overarching themes.

Furthermore, the divine hierarchy of the Olympian gods parallels the cosmic power struggle within the series, as well as the moral dilemmas faced by the characters.

The epic scope of Greek mythology is echoed in “Saint Seiya’s” battles for supremacy, cosmic destinies, and quests for ultimate enlightenment. Click here to check greek mythology influences in this famous anime.

1. Astrology Influence in Saint Seiya

“Saint Seiya” intricately entwines the principles of astrology into its narrative, creating a celestial tapestry of interconnected destinies.

The twelve Zodiac signs, representing the Bronze Saints, imbue characters with distinct personalities and powers derived from their astrological counterparts. Astrology’s influence permeates the characters’ journeys, driving their development and interactions.

The concept of fate and cosmic alignment adds depth to the narrative as characters navigate challenges and forge bonds according to their celestial attributes.

The broader astrological symbolism extends beyond characters to shape the overarching plot. The alignment of constellations often influences pivotal events, emphasizing the interplay between celestial forces and human endeavors.

By melding astrology with its narrative, “Saint Seiya” crafts a unique thematic framework, where the stars above influence the lives below.

This astrological dimension enhances the series’ complexity, offering a metaphysical layer that resonates with the mystique of the universe and our place within it.

Other Influences in Saint Seiya

Beyond its core inspirations, “Saint Seiya” masterfully weaves a tapestry of global mythologies, enriching its narrative with a mosaic of cultural influences.

  • Norse mythologyNorse Mythology in Saint Seiya lends its divine beings and cosmic battles, echoing the Aesir’s struggles against cosmic forces.
  • Hinduism’s concept of reincarnation echoes in the series’ cycle of rebirth, while Buddhism’s spiritual quests resonate in characters’ self-discovery journeys.
  • Christian symbolism surfaces through themes of redemption and sacrifice, mirroring Christ-like motifs in the Bronze Saints’ sacrifices for humanity.
  • Chinese mythology’s influence is seen in the mystical artifacts and ancient powers wielded, reflecting the ethos of Taoism and Confucianism.

This mosaic creates a universe where diverse cultural threads intertwine, uniting characters from various backgrounds under the banner of heroism.

The amalgamation of these mythologies reinforces “Saint Seiya’s” transcendent appeal, inviting audiences of varied cultures to revel in its epic battles and timeless themes.

Vítor Costa

Brazilian otaku addicted to classic anime. PhD in Polymer Science and Technology.

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