Titans in Saint Seiya: Complete List

Dive into the mythic realm with the Titans, ancient beings of Greek mythology, emerge from Tartarus to appear in the episode Saint Seiya: Episode G.

The Titans, ancient and powerful beings from Greek mythology, make their appearance in the manga “Episode G.” Freed from Tartarus by the deity Pontos, the Titans, including Koios, Iapetos, Crius and others play significant roles in the storyline, engaging in battles against the Olympian gods and Gold Saints.

Their distinct personalities and powers unfold in a gripping narrative, revealing alliances, betrayals, and strategic maneuvers. Click here to know about the gods in Saint Seiya.

As the Titans clash with formidable opponents, the storyline weaves through intricate mythological elements, adding depth to the characters and exploring the consequences of their actions in a rich and captivating mythic tapestry.


Chronos was the King of the Titan Clan and the second supreme ruler of the universe after overthrowing his father, Uranus.

His leadership was primarily marked by the beginning of the Golden Age on Earth and by generating, together with Rhea, the oldest Olympian Gods.

However, the tyranny of his rule, driven by his fear of being overthrown, led to the rebellion of his offspring, resulting in the Titanomachy. In the end, much like he did with his father, he would be overthrown by his own son, Zeus.

As punishment for all the atrocities he committed, he was condemned to spend eternity sealed in the depths of Tartarus with his siblings.

However, with the arrival of the 20th century, Cronus and the other Titans were released from their torment through the intervention of the great god Pontus.

They believed that he had brought them back to the world to initiate a new Titanomachy, aiming to restore their dominion over Earth and destroy the Olympian usurpers.

Yet, both he and his siblings ended up being manipulated by the ancient sea god, who plotted for them to succumb while facing Athena’s Gold Saints, only to seize their Soma and use it to free Gaia.

In the end, the titan surrendered his power to Hades to save the life of the adversary who caused his final downfall. His Roman counterpart is Saturn. Click here to know more about Mythology in Saint Seiya.


Hyperion is the first Titan freed from Tartarus by Pontus and plays a significant role in the storyline. In terms of appearance, Hyperion is a tall, slim man with red eyes, long blue/black hair, and slightly dark skin typical of Titans.

His personality is described as kind, calm, and generous to his siblings, but he becomes ruthless in battle, especially when facing opponents like Zeus.

Hyperion’s mythological origin as a Titan is associated with light and he has a role in the invasion of the Sanctuary. He has special techniques like Helios Vortex and Ebony Vortex, and fought with Aiolia, one of Athena’s Gold Saints.

Hyperion is determined to free Cronos, and refuses to join Pontus’ plans in Episode G. Click here to read a full review about the Saint Seiya Episode G manga.


Koios, a Titan renowned for his calm intellect, plays a significant role in the Titanomachy against the Olympian Gods. Notably wise, he creates the potent thunderbolt Keraunos, concealing it within his memories.

In the contemporary narrative, Pontus resurrects Koios and his siblings. Possessing the ability to manipulate memories, Koios endeavors to fathom why Cronos lost his memories upon liberation.

Mnemosyne’s involvement is disclosed, as she weakens the Titans, including Cronos, to facilitate Pontus’s plan.

The storyline unfolds with Koios engaging Aiolia of Leo, Cronos’s chosen assassin. Despite initially dominating the battle, Koios succumbs when Aiolia unleashes a concealed technique.

Temporarily incapacitated, Koios is saved by his brother, Hyperion. Subsequently, as Aiolia and fellow knights traverse into the Titans’ realm, Koios confronts them again but meets his demise at Aiolia’s hands.

The complex interplay of memory manipulation, strategic battles, and familial ties underscores Koios’s role in the intricate narrative of the Titans’ resurgence and their conflict with the Olympian Gods.


Iapetos, unlike other Titans, exhibits a remarkably childish personality, characterized by quick irritability, arrogance, and pride in his power.

Despite a somewhat androgynous appearance, he is exceptionally strong. In a battle against Mu de Aries, Iapetos emerged unscathed and refrained from using his full power, interrupted by Cronos.

While fiercely loyal to Cronos, Iapetos may act independently, facing consequences but saved by Hyperion’s intervention. Despite harboring resentment toward Hyperion and Coeus, it is attributed to his arrogant and childish demeanor.

Iapetos kidnapped Litos to lure Aiolia de Leo into the Labyrinth of Cronos. There, he challenged Aiolia alongside Themis, nearly defeated until aided by Shaka de Virgo.

Revealing his true power, he transformed into a berserker, demonic version, proving formidable but ultimately defeated. After regaining his senses, he selflessly offered his Ichor to heal opponents before plunging into the depths of Tartarus with Themis.

Iapetos became the first Titan defeated in the manga, leaving uncertainty about his fate—whether sealed in Tartarus or deceased, possibly self-imposed punishment for failing to protect loved ones like Themis and Prometheus.


Crius of the Galaxy is one of the last Titans freed from Tartarus by Pontus. His name can be read as Crios, Krios, or Kreos.

He is reborn along with Phoebe, Mnemosyne, Oceanus, Rhea, Theia, Themis, and Tethys. His personality is extremely cold, serious, and violent, earning him the moniker “Heartless” due to his cold and straightforward actions.

He is considered the most cynical among the Titans and is entirely devoted to the sword, delivering lethal strikes. Like the other Titans, his goal is revenge for the humiliation suffered from the Olympian gods in mythological times, and he appears to be the proudest of his divine lineage.

After being revived by Pontus, he attacks Capricorn Shura in Greece following the defeat of Pallas Spate. Crius has the upper hand against Shura until being struck by Aiolia.

Although Shura executes an Excalibur, Crius easily shatters it with his Aster, defeating the Golden Knight. Acknowledging the saints’ worth, Crius leaves his broken sword behind.

After Japetus and Aiolia’s battle, Crius bids farewell to his beloved Euribia and confronts Shura. At the end of the fight, Shura, near death, uses an astounding technique to cut Crius in half with an Excalibur.

In his final moments, Crius bequeaths his sword, part of his Dunamis, and divine blood to Shura, recognizing the man’s courage and sacrifice.

Shura’s technique would not normally kill the Titan, but Pontus’s intervention prevents Crius from recovering, ensuring his defeat. Euribia, elsewhere, senses her lover’s death.


Oceanus of Clear Currents is one of the last Titans freed from Tartarus by Pontus. Oceanus has dark blue, straight hair, with a small low ponytail visible at the back.

He bears a strong resemblance to his younger brother, Hyperion, but Oceanus has marks under his eyes resembling tattoos.

His skin is slightly darker, and his eyes are red like those of the other Titans. In some illustrations, his hair appears blue, while in others, it is commonly seen as violet or black.

Ocean is the quietest and most thoughtful of the Titans. Unlike his brothers, he has not been blinded by overconfidence, perhaps because he is the oldest and, therefore, the most mature among them.

He carefully considers what to do or say and has never been shown to be dominated by any emotion that could interfere with his judgment. Above all, he exhibits a serene demeanor.

Oceanus’ beliefs revolve around the ideal of “perfection.” He doesn’t hate humans but sees them as flawed creations that don’t fit into the perfect world the Gods created. He has sworn to destroy and then create beings more perfect than humans.

As the god who commands the power of the Twin Swords, he also obeys Cronus. He has a cautious personality, not wanting to initiate the Titanomachy before truly understanding what the Olympian Gods are capable of, thus eliminating the chance of imminent defeat.

He engages in a brief fight against Aquarius Camus and Leo Aiolia but withdraws from the battle. The G episode concludes without reporting what happens to this Titan.


Rhea is extremely cold and serious, possessing a calm and reserved spirit. She is not the kind of woman who allows herself to be altered in any situation.

Entirely loyal to her husband and king, Cronos, Rhea has never betrayed him and would never forgive anyone who offended him. Despite her stoic disposition, she wholeheartedly loves her husband and always looks out for him.

Not much is known about Rea. Unlike what is shown in mythology, she, along with the other Titanides and Ocean, fought against the Olympian gods in the Titanomachy, and as a result, she was also sealed in Tartarus.

Rhea is the wife of Chronos and, consequently, the mother of Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades. Despite her mysterious nature, she remains completely loyal to her husband.

Although she can recognize the strength of a human, she does not tolerate a human attempting to surpass the gods.

After Cronos is released, she immediately appears at the statue of Athena to protect her husband, who is defenseless at the moment. She later attacks Leo Aiolia and Capricorn Shura with her Ge Python.

Back in the Labyrinth of Cronos, she teaches him how to use his Sohma. During the invasion of the Gold Saints, she remains in the Labyrinth, facing Aquarius Camus with the monsters she summoned.

Afterwards, she appears transformed into stone, and the reason for this transformation is unknown.


Themis has a slender build and short violet hair. Her eyes, like other Titans, reflect her combat nature with a red hue, and her skin has a subtle dark tone. She wears her armor at all times.

Themis is a woman with a strong and unfeminine personality. She is inclined to use force and violence to resolve matters and does not tolerate humans raising fists against the gods.

She is highly loyal to Cronos and his cause but also has affection for her husband, Iapetos, and son.

Themis, along with the other Titanides and Ocean, fought against the Olympian gods in the Titanomachy, and consequently, she was sealed in Tartarus.

In the Second Titanomachy, the seven Titans, including Themis, are released simultaneously by Pontos. Extremely stern, Themis enjoys making her opponents suffer, not for pleasure, but to make them feel the power of justice.

In the awakening of Cronos (Episode G), Themis appears with the other Titanides to protect Cronos from the attacks of Leo Aiolia. After engaging in combat with the Gold Saint, she defeats him. Before delivering the finishing blow, she is stopped by Capricorn Shura. The Titanide then buries both of them with her Brabeus Talanton attack and leaves the scene.

At the end, She reappears later alongside Iapetos in the Labyrinth of Cronos to face Aiolia and Virgo Shaka. During the battle, she sacrifices herself so that Iapetos can use his power. Her husband starts using her body as a giant sword, enhancing his combat capabilities.


Mnemosyne of Memory is a key antagonist among the six Titanides released by Pontos. Her name, derived from the Greek word “mimnéskein,” designates her as the goddess of memory, one of Uranus and Gaia’s Titanide daughters.

Mnemosyne, appearing childlike with pink hair and a calm demeanor, holds a significant role as the manipulator of memories. She detects Leo Aiolia’s interference in Cronos’s memory loss, showcasing her ability to sense presences.

In the 20th-century Holy War, Mnemosyne reveals Aiolia’s role in Cronos’s memory lapse. As her brother Céos nears death, he realizes Mnemosyne’s involvement and communicates with his siblings.

Pontos interferes, petrifying all Titans, except Cronos, Hyperion, and Mnemosyne. Ordered by Pontos, she restores Cronos’s memories for his confrontation with Aiolia.

Mnemosyne’s alliance with Pontos and her motivations remain mysterious, adding intrigue to her character. The story concludes without detailing Mnemosyne’s fate, leaving the readers with unanswered questions.


Teia is one of the six Titanides who faithfully follows Cronos. Her Sohma takes the form of a crossbow.

While her personality is not extensively explored, Teia is portrayed as a woman who quietly expresses concern through brief dialogues. Loyal to Cronos and the Titans, she is part of the last group of Titans released from Tartarus.

In the labyrinth of Cronos, Teia appears alongside other Titans to protect Cronos when he awakens. However, after the battles with the invading Gold Saints, Teia’s whereabouts become unknown.

Her destiny remains undisclosed, adding an element of mystery to her character. In mythology, Teia, daughter of Uranus and Gaia, is a Titaness associated with the vivid blue of the sky.

She married her brother Hyperion and bore the celestial deities Helios, Selene, and Eos—representing the Sun, Moon, and Dawn, respectively. The conclusion of the G episode does not provide information on Teia’s fate.


Not much is known about Phoebe. Unlike what is shown in mythology, she, along with the other Titanides and Oceanus, fought against the gods of Olympus in the Titanomachy, and therefore, she was also sealed in Tartarus.

Just like her husband, Coeus, she cares for her human followers and has utmost loyalty to Cronus, the leader of the Titans.

When the battle between the Titans and the Golden Knights begins in the Labyrinth, Phoebe does not participate in the fight at the request of her husband, Coeus. At the end of the G episode, it is not reported what happens to Phoebe.


Tethys is one of the Titanides. In addition to being loyal to Cronus, Tethys has a keen combat spirit, and her Sohma takes the form of a war hammer. However, at the end of the G episode, it is not reported what happens to Tethys.

Vítor Costa

Brazilian otaku addicted to classic anime. PhD in Polymer Science and Technology.

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