Top 10 Villains in Saint Seiya

From iconic Gold Saints to divine adversaries, discover the most formidable villains who have tested the Bronze Saints. 

Dive into the schemes of the villains, explore the complexity of their characters, and understand the profound impact they’ve had on the legendary “Saint Seiya” series.

10. Black Saints

The Black Saints in “Saint Seiya” are standout villains because they were once Athena’s trusted warriors who turned to the dark side.

Despite originally fighting for justice, they chose the path of evil, donning black armor to symbolize their betrayal.

Each confrontation between the Black Saints and the Bronze Saints, who remain loyal to Athena, is marked by intense battles and remarkable displays of strength. The personal history and shared past with the heroes add depth to these encounters, making them emotionally charged and memorable.

The fact that these once-upstanding warriors chose a malevolent path creates a compelling narrative, adding complexity to the story. Check more info about the Bronze Saints here.

9. Megrez Alberich

Megrez Alberich, despite being a filler character in “Saint Seiya,” stands out as a compelling villain. His desire to betray Hilda, the leader of Asgard, and seize control adds a layer of intrigue to the plot.

Alberich’s cunning and ambition are evident as he successfully defeats formidable warriors like Marin, Seiya, and Hyoga, showcasing his exceptional combat skills and strategic acumen.

The fact that he poses a genuine threat to key protagonists establishes him as a significant antagonist, contributing to the intensity of the storyline. Check the main inspiration for the Norse Mythology in Saint Seiya.

Ultimately, Alberich’s prowess is challenged and overcome by Shiryu, underscoring the strength and determination of the main characters while highlighting the temporary but impactful role of this filler villain in the narrative.

8. Cancer Deathmask

Cancer Deathmask stands out as a true villain in the “Saint Seiya” series, earning a reputation as one of the evilest Gold Saints.

His malevolence is notably evident through his ruthless actions, as Deathmask has been depicted as responsible for the deaths of numerous individuals.

His disregard for life, combined with his formidable skills as a Gold Saint, marks him as a formidable adversary. Deathmask’s dark nature and willingness to cause harm make him a genuine threat, contributing to the overall tension and conflict within the storyline.

As a Gold Saint, traditionally associated with valor and justice, Deathmask’s deviation from these ideals emphasizes the depth of his villainy, creating a memorable and impactful character. Check who killed Cancer Deathmask here.

7. Pisces Aphrodite

Pisces Aphrodite emerges as a standout villain in “Saint Seiya,” with one of the most memorable battles in the series. Renowned for his malevolence, Aphrodite’s status as a Gold Saint adds a layer of complexity to his character.

His confrontation with Shun, one of the main protagonists, stands out as one of the best fights in “Saint Seiya.”

The clash between their formidable powers and the emotional intensity of the battle contribute to its greatness, with Aphrodite showing his tactics and lethal techniques, characteristic of a Gold Saint.

The fight not only serves as a testament to Aphrodite’s prowess but also highlights the resilience and determination of Shun, making it an important moment in the series. Click here to know who killed Aphrodite.

6. Poseidon

Poseidon, a god, is a very important villain in “Saint Seiya” because he wants to destroy Earth and have divine powers. He’s not in the top three villains mainly because he didn’t get much screen time or a chance to develop his character much.

Other important villains had more focus, so we got to know them better. Still, Poseidon is a major threat, and his goal of wrecking Earth adds a serious challenge for the heroes.

He might not be in the top tier of villains, but his divine power and dangerous plan make him a significant adversary in the series. I wish we had a longer Poseidon arc in the anime. Click here to know more about all of the god characters in Saint Seiya.

5. Wyvern Rhadamanthys

Wyvern Rhadamanthys stands out as a formidable villain in the “Saint Seiya” series, primarily due to his imposing presence and striking appearance. His intimidating demeanor and powerful aura contribute to his memorable villainous character.

In the Hades Saga, Rhadamanthys emerges as one of the strongest adversaries, showcasing his remarkable strength and combat prowess.

Serving as one of Hades’ most faithful and powerful servants, he becomes a significant obstacle for the heroes. Rhadamanthys’ loyalty to Hades, coupled with his exceptional abilities, elevates him to the status of a major antagonist, adding a layer of complexity to the narrative.

Overall, his combination of physical might, allegiance to Hades, and distinctive presence cements Wyvern Rhadamanthys as a standout and impactful villain in the “Saint Seiya” series.

4. Kanon of Sea Dragon

Kanon of Sea Dragon emerges as a compelling villain in the “Saint Seiya” series, particularly during the Poseidon Arc. As the twin brother of Gemini Saga, his connection to an existing antagonist adds depth to his character.

In the Poseidon Arc, Kanon assumes the role of the main villain, surpassing even Poseidon in significance. His strategic cunning, formidable powers, and intricate ties to the storyline make him a central figure in the narrative.

Notably, Kanon’s journey takes a unique turn in the Hades Arc, where he undergoes redemption, showcasing a multifaceted character arc.

This transformation from villain to a character seeking redemption adds layers to Kanon’s personality and contributes to the complexity of the overall “Saint Seiya” storyline.

3. Hades

Hades stands out as one of the most formidable villains in the “Saint Seiya” series, boasting an imposing presence and masterfully conceived evil plans. As the god of the Underworld, Hades embodies malevolence and represents a colossal threat to humanity.

His grandiose design, adorned in divine and ominous attire, reinforces his status as a deity with nefarious intentions. Hades’ ambition to bring about the end of humanity adds a sense of urgency and gravitas to the narrative, elevating the stakes for the heroic Bronze Saints.

The complexity of his character lies in the juxtaposition of divine power and a malevolent agenda, making Hades a compelling and iconic antagonist. Check how Hades was defeated here.

His strategic brilliance, coupled with the vast scope of his influence, positions Hades as a central figure in the series, contributing significantly to the narrative’s intensity and creating one of the standout villains in “Saint Seiya.”

2. Phoenix Ikki

Phoenix Ikki holds a special place as one of the favorite characters in “Saint Seiya” for many fans. What sets Ikki apart is his compelling character arc, transitioning from a formidable villain to a complex antihero.

Initially introduced as an antagonist, Ikki’s portrayal as the ruthless Black Phoenix marked a stark departure from the traditional hero archetype. However, as the series unfolded, his character evolved, revealing deeper layers and motivations.

Ikki’s transformation into an antihero brought forth a nuanced persona, where his actions and decisions became driven by a sense of justice and protection, albeit through unconventional means.

His resilience, loyalty, and the internal conflict he faces contribute to the enduring appeal of Phoenix Ikki. Click here to know 7 facts about Phoenix Ikki.

The character’s duality, combining moments of darkness with instances of selfless heroism, resonates with fans, making him a standout and beloved figure in the “Saint Seiya” universe.

1. Gemini Saga

Gemini Saga stands out as not only the best villain but also one of the most memorable characters in “Saint Seiya.” His role as a Gold Saint initially frames him as a paragon of justice, only to reveal a sinister side as the main antagonist in the Sanctuary Arc.

Saga’s complexity lies in the duality of his personality—the embodiment of good and evil within a single character. His cunning, power, and iconic design contribute to his status as a formidable villain.

However, what truly distinguishes Saga is his redemption arc in the Hades Arc. The narrative takes an unexpected turn, showcasing Saga’s internal struggle and remorse for his past deeds. To know more about Saga, click here to know 7 facts about him.

This redemptive journey endears him to fans, transforming him from a purely malevolent force into a character marked by profound internal conflict and eventual redemption—a testament to the depth and enduring legacy of Gemini Saga in the “Saint Seiya” series.

Vítor Costa

Brazilian otaku addicted to classic anime. PhD in Polymer Science and Technology.

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